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Moore Cataloging Procedures

Cataloging and Recataloging Dialogue Audio CDs

Recataloging and Cataloging Dialogue Audio CDs


Recataloging discs attached to bib 293102
Recataloging discs with their own bib record
New records

These instructions created and modified by M. Quinn (1/04, 5/008, 9/09), and expanded and modified by M. Hofmann (5/04/10, 7/19/2010)

• The Dialogue series are recordings on CD of radio broadcasts. From the Dialogue web site at  : “dialogue is an award-winning weekly radio program that explores the world of ideas through weekly, half-hour conversations with renowned public figures, scholars, journalists, and authors. Since 1988, dialogue has offered its listeners informed discussion on important ideas and issues in national and international affairs, history, and culture—providing commentary that goes beyond the superficial analysis presented in many of today's talk shows.”

• Currently these CDs are linked to the serial record for Dialogue, bib 293102. While we will keep this serial record, we want to analyze each disc on a separate record. As of 5/4/2010, there are 265 items attached to this serial record. The bulk of the CDs are at Circulation in boxes on a lower shelf of the shelves against the left wall.

• The MFHD for bib 293102 contains the following note, on which the instructions below will elaborate:
‡x Contents for each disc is to be inserted into the container. ‡x Decision to catalog selected titles as analytical records, linked by 773 and 730. For example see bib #481672. We are adding fields to the OCLC copy (see example). Call number on label should include year: e.g. D1.D5 2009 no. 829,830. Each item designation should be defined by year and the numbers of the two main interviews or conversations, not the Commentaries. The interview numbers are not necessarily consecutive and should not be designated with a hyphen. (MQ 1/04 5/08 9/09) ‡z This audio journal is issued on compact discs. Some individual discs are cataloged separately. For a complete list of cataloged discs, do a title search for Dialogue (Radio program)

When all of the CDs have been analyzed, the 852 note will be modified to say: “This audio journal is issued on compact discs. Individual discs are cataloged separately. For a complete list of cataloged discs, do a title search for Dialogue (Radio program)”

Recataloging discs attached to bib 293102

1. Use bib record 481672 as a model.

2. Find a record on OCLC for the item and add fields as needed to conform to model bib 481672.

3. Or, if no record exists, create an original record.

4. Use the track sheet inserts in the discs to provide summary information for each program and commentary. If there is no track sheet, search for the program number at and use or adapt the summary provided.

5. Bib fields to add or correct: (Consider enriching the OCLC master record with these fields.)
 Leader. The Bibliographic Level should be “m" for monograph/item, since this is an analytic.

 Make sure the record has the proper 007.

 Change 246 fields to 740 02. Many of the OCLC records input by other libraries incorrectly use the 246 for the other titles in the 245 field. The other titles are considered analytics, since there is no collective title for the CD. 246s for anything but the first title should be 740 02s. Make as many 740 02s as are necessary.

 538 _ _ $a Audio compact disc.

 500 _ _ $a Titles from disc label.

 518 _ _ $a Program # ___ broadcast week: Month, day-day, year ; program # ___ broadcast week: Month, day-day, year [use for programs only, not commentaries]

 511 _ _ [Interviewee and host note.]

 520s. One for each program number; one for each commentary.

 580 _ _ $a This describes one issue from the audio portion of the magazine, Dialogue, created by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and broadcast on both radio and television.

• The 580 explains the relationship described by the 774 linking field.

 Add 730s. Add one for each program number (not commentary).
730 0_ $a Dialogue (Radio program). $n [year]. $n No. ###.

 740 02 for each title that is not the first title. For the commentaries, follow the form:

740 02 $a Lee Hamilton Commentary #286 : NIE on Iran.
740 02 $a NIE on Iran.

 774 18 $s Dialogue (Radio program) $g 2008 $w (OCoLC)39307750

774 is a linking field for a constituent unit (this issue of Dialogue is part of the serial Dialogue, but can be accessed separately.) . In the $w, input OCoLC enclosed within parentheses; then input the OCLC control number of the related record (the Dialogue serial record, OCLC#39307750). Leave no spaces between the symbol (OCoLC) and the control number.

 856 41 $3 Program #___ $u [url from Dialogue web site search for past issues]

Example : 856 41 $3 Program #829 $u

6. Create holdings records.
a. Print: Use MFHD template MHS-dialog.tem.

1. ‡b RIDL ‡h D1 ‡i .D5 [date] no. ###, ### ‡c Circulation Desk

2. Complete the call number in the form above. Do not hyphenate the program numbers; they may not be consecutive.

3. MFHD contains the instructions quoted above in the first section of this document.

b. Internet: Use MFHD template MHS-dialogwww.tem.

1. The location and call number are already filled in ($b RIDW $h Internet Resource)

2. This MFHD already has two complete 856 fields for the Dialogue site: one for the current month’s programs; one for the index/search page.

3. This MFHD has placeholders for the URLs for the individual programs, which you can copy and paste from the bib record. If these are not available, delete these fields.

7. Link the item record from MFHD #292747 (attached to serial bib 293102) to the new print holdings.

a. Write down the holdings record number of your new print holdings. This is the record you will be linking to.

b. Find the item record for the CD by searching for the barcode.

c. Relink the record to the new holdings by choosing Record, Relink to a different holding, and entering the new holdings record.

d. Check that the item is linked to the correct holding by viewing the hierarchy.

Recataloging discs already on their own bib record

• A small percentage of the CDs have been previously cataloged by Marilyn on their own record. Since these were done in the past, they need to be made consistent with the current standards outlined in this document (bib fields and consistent call number)

• Some records may have been cataloged using a template and thus will not have an OCLC number. Should you find a record without an OCLC number, please search OCLC for a record and copy catalog as outlined above, or create a new record. Attach our holdings to the OCLC record.

• Bib records already cataloged from OCLC copy need to conform to the bib record standards outlined above. Most likely, the leader information will have to be changed (from “m: monograph item” to “b”).

• Holdings records:

o Modify the call number in the holdings records

o Add MFHD using MHS-dialogwww.tem with appropriate 856 fields.

New records
• As of 2009, Dialogue has stopped sending out CDs.  Because Dialogue is now downloadable only, we will not be receiving any new titles, as we will not be downloading and archving hard copies. 

• Please note on slip for processing the following:
o Audio CD
o Chartreuse dot

• Please have Carl return these to Melissa after labeling. They need to be shelved separately from the other Dialogue CDs at Circ, as the call number is slightly different, which will affect filing.