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CMP-125 (Harris, Spring 2022)

Online Reference Databases


Credo Reference provides access to 1,000+ encyclopedias, handbooks, guides, and dictionaries covering science and medicine, history and cultural studies, business, education, psychology, social sciences, and much more.

The Gale Virtual Reference Library  is a collection of encyclopedias and other reference sources which covers a variety of topics including history, literature, gender and sexuality, religion, the arts, the sciences, and the social sciences.  Search across all publications or browse and choose specific publications.  You can them limit by type of document (topic overview, biography, review, etc.)

Books in the Gale Virtual Reference Library can also be searched and accessed through the library catalog and Library One Search.

CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher offers in-depth, non-biased coverage of today's most important issues. Each report is on a single topic—more than 12,000 words of text and extensive bibliographies. ... Each weekly issue provides up-to-date information on controversial subjects written by CQ's staff of experienced reporters.

Offers thousands of plot summaries, synopses, and title overviews; literary criticism; author biographies and interviews; book reviews; and poems, short stories, and classic texts.

"Literary Reference Center (LRC) is a comprehensive literary reference database, which provides users with a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day. LRC is a completely full-text database that combines information from over 1,000 books and monographs, major literary encyclopedias and reference works, hundreds of literary journals, and unique sources not available anywhere else. LRC contains detailed information on the most studied authors and their works."


Points of View Reference Center™ is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. The database provides 200 topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument).

See our Statista Research Guide for more info

When you conduct a search in Library One Search (Rider University Libraries' default search), an entry from Research Starters might appear at the top of your results.  Database results can be very specific, so use a research starter or another reference source to get some background knowledge and learn what search terms to include and to exclude.


Shows Research Starter for search "marijuana legalization"