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Special Collections

Special Collections Policies

Rider University Archives and Special Collections serves members of the Rider community and others interested in the collection. The policies below have been established as guidelines for use of the Special Collections.

  1. In-person access is by appointment only. User access is available only while designated staff is present. Please contact us to schedule a visit.
  2. Materials in the Archives and Special Collections area (Riderana) are available for use solely in Riderana and do not circulate. Materials must be retrieved only by archives staff.
  3. No food or drink is allowed in Riderana.
  4. First time users must fill out a "User Registration and Request" form and have a photo ID; users must sign in each time they come to the archives.
  5. Photocopies/scans may be made by archives staff only and only at the discretion and with the permission of supervisory staff. Conservation concerns, however, dictate that duplication is inappropriate for some types of material. Photocopying may be denied due to condition of the item, copyright restrictions, restrictions on use of the material, or availability of resources.

If you have questions about the archives and our special collections, or wish to donate material to the Rider University Archives, please contact us.

RUL/LL: 99; LAPC Policy #99-3; rev. 12/01-LAPC Policy #01-01