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Resources for Chemistry Students

Exporting from Databases

1. Look for a citation or export button. There is no direct export to Refworks, so save the RIS file. 

ACS publication with arrow pointing to Citation

2. Upload the RIS file to Refworks

Refworks add to

3. Choose RIS format. 

4. Select the reference(s) and select create bibliographyrefworks screenshot

5. Change to ACS Style.

Refworks screenshot

1. Find the article in Google Scholar. Click on the Cite button below the articles.

Google scholar citation

2. Click on Refworks

google scholar citation page

3. Export to Refworks

export to refworks

Find the export button under the article. Click Save to Refworks. 

Science Direct Screenshot

1. Click the cite button. 


2. Download .nbib

3. Click Add in Refworks, then import references



4, Upload to Refworks