You can always search a book (DVD, CD, etc.) by title in the Library Catalog to see if the Library owns or have access to the item. You need to know the name of your textbook.
1. From the Library homepage, click on Books & More to search the Library Catalog, or access the catalog directly at

2. Type in the title of your textbook in the search box and select the search button. Use quotation marks around the title words for a more precise search.

3. If you have typed in the title, your results should be at the top. In this example there are a few books that are returned in that search

- You can see that the first result is not available, but the next two state Course Reserves and that it is located at the Circulation Desk with a call number TEXTBOOK CMP 120.
- You can also see that, in the "Refine by" sidebar, of the two results, one is listed as "Textbook" as a "Course" and as "Professor." You can use these categories to see only the books that are textbooks, if your title search results in a larger list of books.
4. Click on the title of the book to see more detailed information about the book (example below).

5. Go to the Circulation Desk. Provide staff with the title of your textbook and the call number under which it is shelved.