LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Allies, Nonbinary/Genderqueer +) Resources and Research
Finding books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays), movies, news, magazines, literary journals and more for LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/ally and more!) interests and research
The report summarizes data relating to the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in four key areas: Education, Economic Security, Health Care, and Housing. The report is intended to educate the public on the significant disparities LGBTQ+ people experience and serve as a benchmark by which the country can judge its progress on LGBTQ+ rights in the years to come.
LGBTQ STATS chronicles the ongoing LGBTQ revolution, providing critical statistics, and draws upon and synthesizes newly collected data. Deschamps and Singer provide chapters on family and marriage, workplace discrimination, education, youth, criminal justice, and immigration, as well as evolving policies and laws affecting LGBTQ communities. A lively, accessible, and eye-opening snapshot, LGBTQ STATS offers an invaluable resource for activists, journalists, lawmakers, and general readers who want the facts and figures on LGBTQ lives in the twenty-first century.
Statista is a library database that culls statistics from a variety of places. Try searching "lgbtq" and "homosexuality" for reports, maps, graphs, and more!
Contains excellent charts and stats pulled from different surveys, and a discussion about the challenges of measuring the LGBT population. Refers to sources to explore further (listed as separate links below, too) .
Scholarly blog by Tristan Bridges, Assistant Professor in the Sociology Department at The College at Brockport, State University of New York. Published 10/22/2013.
Published by the The Williams Institute, "dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public."
Housed at The Fenway Institute (TFI) of Fenway Health in Boston , the Center for Population Research in LGBT Health develops and supports collaborative research and education programs to understand and improve the health of sexual and gender minorities.
The report summarizes data relating to the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in four key areas: Education, Economic Security, Health Care, and Housing. The report is intended to educate the public on the significant disparities LGBTQ+ people experience and serve as a benchmark by which the country can judge its progress on LGBTQ+ rights in the years to come.
NOTE: These estimates of the number of LGBT adults living in each state are based on 2013 analysis by The Williams Institute and Gallup. We applied the percent of the adult population living in a state who said they were Colored coded map of the United States with state-by-state statistics. Includes LGBT population map, population density map, and state data chart.
"LGBT to the total adult population in that state using data from the Census Bureau (2011 estimates). For more information about using census data to study same-sex couples and LGBT people, contact The Williams Institute."