LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Allies, Nonbinary/Genderqueer +) Resources and Research
Finding books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays), movies, news, magazines, literary journals and more for LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/ally and more!) interests and research
Examines the special difficulties that the aging LGBT community faces: lack of resources including social services, loss of longtime partners due to AIDS, poor representation and committment of governmental agencies, and lack of visibility to the younger LGBT population. Interviews and personal stories of four community elders are shared with the viewer, and positive efforts to address these issues are investigated.
Call Number: EBOOK and Print: HQ76.25 .L494 2006 (Moore Library-Stacks)
ISBN: 9780231136181
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging brings together cutting-edge research, practical information, and innovative thinking regarding the characteristics and processes of aging among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. Written by experts in the field, the book covers a range of subjects and provides a comprehensive knowledge base for practitioners, students, and researchers. Contributors address topics such as sexuality, relationships, legal issues, retirement planning, physical and mental health, substance abuse, community needs, gay and lesbian.
In the Service of Truth: Remembering Barbara Macdonald -- Barbara's Introduction -- Cynthia's Introduction -- Do You Remember Me? -- Exploitation by Compassion -- Aging, Ageism and Feminist Avoidance -- An Open Letter to the Women's Movement -- The Women in the Tower -- The Power of the Old Woman -- Outside the Sisterhood: Ageism in Women's Studies -- A Call for an End To Ageism in Lesbian and Gay Services -- Ageism and the Politics of Beauty -- A movement of old lesbians -- Old Women's Rights: A Report at Beijing -- Professionalism is not Benign.
More books like thisPerforms the following subject search in the library catalog d: ((older OR aging) AND (sexual minorities OR gays OR lesbians OR trans*))
Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Minding the Knowledge Gaps by Andrew King (Editor); Kathryn Almack (Editor); Yiu Tung Suen (Editor); Sue Westwood (Editor)
Call Number: ASK ME, Prof. Hofmann. We can get this through ILL or put in a purchase request.
ISBN: 9781138644939
Publication Date: 2018-09-10
What does it mean to grow older as a lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT) person? What gaps in knowledge about LGBT ageing remain? This timely and innovative book reports on a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council which aimed to address gaps in knowledge about older LGBT people and their experiences of ageing. The book discusses the project and contains chapters either specially commissioned or written by leading researchers and activists in the field. Informed by a range of theoretical perspectives, empirical research studies, critical observations as well as lived experiences, this book explores areas of LGBT ageing that have been under-studied. These include: bisexual ageing; trans ageing and older trans people¿s mental health; ethnicity, culture and religion in the lives of older LGBT people and gaps in knowledge about older LGBT people from minority ethnic communities; intergenerational networks; residential and end-of-life care; and the effects of austerity on services. Written in an accessible style, this book is essential for researchers and policy makers interested in the lives of older LGBT people, people who work with older people and teachers and students interested in ageing, gender identity and sexuality.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* Individuals Living with Dementia : Concepts, Practice and Rights by Sue Westwood (Editor); Elizabeth Price (Editor)
Call Number: ASK ME, Prof. Hofmann. We can get this through ILL or put in a purchase request.
ISBN: 9781138840690
Publication Date: 2016-04-28
This groundbreaking collection is the first to focus specifically on LGBT* people and dementia. It brings together original chapters from leading academics, practitioners and LGBT* individuals affected by dementia. Multi-disciplinary and international in scope, it includes authors from the UK, USA, Canada and Australia and from a range of fields, including sociology, social work, psychology, health care and socio-legal studies. Taking an intersectional approach ¿ i.e. considering the plurality of experiences and the multiple, interacting relational positions of everyday life ¿ LGBT Individuals Living with Dementia addresses topics relating to concepts, practice and rights. Part One addresses theoretical and conceptual questions; Part Two discusses practical concerns in the delivery of health and social care provision to LGBT* people living with dementia; and Part Three explores socio-legal issues relating to LGBT* people living with dementia. This collection will appeal to policy makers, commissioners, practitioners, academics and students across a range of disciplines. With an ageing and increasingly diverse population, and growing numbers of people affected by dementia, this book will become essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the needs of, and providing appropriate services to, LGBT* people affected by dementia.
"Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender older people who fought the first battles for equality now face so much fear of discrimination, bullying and abuse that many are hiding their lives to survive." See this film through free streaming through Dec. 31, 2012.
Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) is the country's largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults.
national network of Old Lesbians over age 60 working to make life better for Old Lesbians through support networks and by confronting ageism in our communities and our country using education and public discourse as primary tools.
Lambda Legal defends the rights of LGBT and HIV-positive seniors who face discrimination related to their sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV status, including discrimination by staff and residents at senior centers; denial of housing; denial of the ability for same-sex couples to share a room in an assisted living facility or nursing home; disrespect of gender identity including while incapacitated or at death; and denial of equal Social Security benefits and survivor benefits as compared to their heterosexual counterparts.
The Transgender Aging Network (TAN) exists to improve the lives of current and future trans/SOFFA (significant others, friends, family and allies) elders.
GRIOT (Gay Reunion In Our Time) Circle is a grassroots organization which seeks to address the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens, particularly people of color, though we are open to all races.