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Back up your Refworks Data

RefWorks makes sure your data is safe and secure on their servers, but there may be times when you wish to have your own personal copy of your database or you want to move an account to another organizational subscription. 


1. Click the Share button on the top of the reference page, then click Export references

screenshot  Refworks references page Share button circled and expanded to show export references also circled.

2. Under Export References, select All References and under Format choose RIS Format then click on the Export button.


Screenshot Refworks export references page

3.  The blue Export button will now say Processing and depending on your browser and number of references, it may take a while. 

4. The file will download as export.ris.  Depending on the browser, the system will show where the file is that has been exported e.g. in Chrome it shows this at the bottom left of the screen.  Firefox, it shows in the upper right. 

6. Make sure you know where the file has been saved - you may wish to rename it and / or save it somewhere else at this point.  Remember to ensure the file has been saved in 'RIS' format.