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This guide helps you find journal articles, newspaper articles, books, and government sources on sociology topics.


Sample One Search: Find articles on "discriminate gays in the workplace"

  1. Limits to Online Access & In Library for full text articles and ebooks.
  2. Limit by Subject OR Abstract terms
  3. Capitalize AND and OR to connect your keywords.
  4. Limit to Publication dates (2005 - present)
  5. Periodicals means popular magazine, Academic Journal is peer reviewed journal
  6. You may limit to Content providers (databases)

Search strategies: (discriminat* OR prejudice) AND (gay* OR lesbian* OR homosexual*)

One search for discriminating gays or lesbians at work

Limit by Databases

Filter by databases

Capitalize your connectors AND/OR

1. Phrase Search-keep a phrase together so it will not get separated and lose intended meaning


"yellowstone park"

"sandy hook"

2. Truncations  - to search words of various endings


comput* -computer, computers, computerize computerized, computerinzing, computational, computation

wom?n - woman or women

girl*-girl, girls, girlish

3. Boolean Operators - use AND/ OR/ NOT to connect your keywords - Boolean Machine.

 Examples- AND

california AND parks

"yellowstone park" AND "wild life"

Examples- OR

women OR girl* OR female*

research OR survey or case stud*

Examples- NOT (AND NOT)

yellowstone NOT park

clinton AND NOT hillary

4. Use parenthesis and quotation marks for logical execution of search terms

"sex* harassment" AND ("work place" OR office)

  • When do you need for your research: books, magazine, journals or newspapers? Check out this research guide The Best Source Types.
  • How do you know if an article is scholarly? Check this research guide Scholarly vs. Popular.


Find a perfect article but how do you know if you have access to the text? This Find the Full Text Research Guide can help you.

If the library does not have a journal or book you are looking for, you may request Interlibrary Loan.  Here is the online request form. 


Sample topic: Find library's books on "discriminate gays in the workplace"​              

Library Catalog     ( Tutorial on How to Search Online Catalog )

                  Advanced Search

Search library catalog


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The Moore Library is a Federal Depository Library. The Library selects federal documents offered by the Government Printing Office (GPO) and provides free access of these documents to the Rider University community and the general public.

Use Libraries' Government Resources Research Guide to locate Federal State and International government documents.

The following are some major search engines for government documents: 

General Search Tools

General Social Survey (GSS) is a sociological survey used to collect information and keep a historic record of the concerns, experiences, attitudes, and practices of residents of the United States. GSS results are made freely available to interested parties over the internet, and are widely used in sociological research.

Information can also be found under the individual country's official government websites.