The most comprehensive education database. Access provided by the New Jersey State Library.
The University Library provides access to over 170 databases, where you can efficiently and effectively find reliable, quality, and popular and/or scholarly information--newspaper, magazine, and journal articles; white papers; book chapters; dissertations; and encylopedic / factual information--as well as streaming music and video. All educators should definitely become familiar with the databases detailed below, not to mention our Library One Search tool, which cross-searches our library catalog and most of our databases:
Enter in your search terms. Use Boolean commands (AND, OR, NOT).
Use Filters available beneath the search box to focus your results
Using the 'Subject' filter on the sidebar ensures that the resources displayed are officially categorized by an indexer under that subject.
Using Advanced Search makes it easier to expand your search and make use the Thesaurus.
Click the Advanced Search box below the search box to the right.
You can find more limiters on the Advanced Search page, including Document Type (as pictured) which leads to only empirical articles.
Click on Subjects on the Advanced Search page to find Subject Terms