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McNair Summer Research Institute (MSRI) at Rider: Information Literacy Strand

This MSRI LibGuide is geared toward enhancing information literacy skills and research capabilities, equipping our students to undertake graduate-level research assignments and effectively compete in the rigorous environment of graduate school.

The Search Begins Here!

Rider University Libraries provide access to over 170 databases, where you can efficiently and effectively find reliable, quality, and popular and/or scholarly information--newspaper, magazine, and journal articles; white papers; book chapters; dissertations; and encylopedic / factual information--as well as streaming music and video.  All educators should definitely become familiar with the databases detailed below, not to mention our Library One Search tool, which cross-searches our library catalog and most of our databases:

Library Databases & Indexes

From the Libraries' home page select the big orange Databases icon. From here you can browse databases by SUBJECT or ALPHABETICALLY.  The following are a few excellent selected education databases that might be helpful in your research. There may be more; check the links above. The truncation symbol for these databases is an asterisk (  *  ). See the search examples below and on the "Searching Tips and Strategies" tab above on this subject guide:



The world’s largest source of education information, this database contains over a million documents and journal articles, with some full text, on education research & practice—see the Search Hints below, AND try comparing the "Basic Search Example" directly below with the "Advanced Search Example" following it, exploring the important differences for a better search result:


BASIC SEARCH EXAMPLE (using only the ERIC database):




 NOTE: Let the databases help you limit/refine the search results for you; also, you can try searching several databases at one time in Advanced Search (below): 



(simultaneously using ERIC, Academic Search Premier, & PsycINFO):