McNair Summer Research Institute (MSRI) at Rider: Information Literacy Strand
This MSRI LibGuide is geared toward enhancing information literacy skills and research capabilities, equipping our students to undertake graduate-level research assignments and effectively compete in the rigorous environment of graduate school.
Disclaimer: The University Library does not have paid, subscription access to the AI research tools described here. This guide serves solely as an informational resource. It is recommended that you assess these tools and their usage methodologies independently.
I am not finding any information on my topic with the terms I searched. What should I do?
I am getting too many hits with my search terms. How do I narrow my topic?
This guide contains answers to these common issues. The tutorials and explanations of various search techniques contained herein will help you become a more efficient and productive searcher.
Get personalized assistance: A librarian will be more than happy to demonstrate these for you! Visit, call, or email us (Ask a Librarian link is on the left menu!)