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ENG 366: Black and Multiethnic Literature (Peters, Fall 2024)

Online Access

Your local library may have the title you want as an ebook or an audio book via services the library pays for such as Hoopla and Overdrive. You can download books for a loan period using your library card. With Hoopla, you will also need to create an account associated with your library card number.

Don't have a library card? Visit your public library's website to apply.

See the page above on Mercer County Public Library! Rider students area eligible for a free library card here!


Search result from Mercer County Public Library's classic catalog. The first is for the ebook version of the title; the second is the print version.


"The Other Half of Happy" by Rebecca Balcarcel as an ebook available for download. Format: ebook, HOOPLA ebook.

The Internet Archive hosts Open Library, which as a selection of books that you can borrow for one-hour periods once you create an account.

You can check to see if the title you want is available here and browse collections in the resource guides (links below).

Example of a title you can borrow.


A book "The Color of Us" available for 1-hour borrowing at the Internet Archive. Log In and Borrow button is shown above the book cover and the book description.

1. To search for specific topics in Student Library, you need to first select a Grade or Reading Level to get the search box that limits to that level.


Home screen of Student Library with arrows pointing to Grade and Reading Level options.

  •  You will get a list of all the books for the option you chose.


Results screen with search box pre-populated with the option you chose.

2. Add your search terms to this box with AND and using quotation marks around your ethnicity/cultural group.

  • Example: AND "African American"


Shows AND "African American" added to search box, with a result of 6 books.