NoveList is a database that helps readers find books they like by browsing by genres and other criteria, such as plot and character type. We can use this database to select by age group and then by other categories to find books with multicultural content. We can also browse by various award winning books for different ethnic groups.
Note: If the Rider University Libraries does not own a title you are interested in, check with your local public library for print or ebook holdings, or contact me, and I can check whether we are able to purchase it as an ebook.
1. SEARCH for books tagged with "culturally diverse" or "diversity."
2. LIMIT by the age group desired.
3. Apply more limits to narrow your results.
On the "Home" screen, you will find "Recommended Reads Lists." Each age group has different categories. We might find culturally diverse books under these different categories:
Ages 0-8: "All Kinds of Parents," "All Kinds of Reads," "Family." (The "Canadian Fiction" section has "Canada: Diverse Picture Books" and "Canada: First Nations Picture Books.")
Ages 9-12: "All Kinds of Lives" has seven cultural/multiethnic categories to choose from. Also look under "Realistic Fiction."
Teen: "All Kinds of Lives" contains slightly different categories.
You can browse by broadly "Culturally diverse" and more specific characters by age group.
1. Open the "Browse By" menu (orange bar, top of screen).
2. Select "Appeal."
3. Select the age group you are interested in: Teen, Ages 9-12, Ages 0-8.
4. In the drop-down box for "Make Your Own Appeal Mix," select "Character."
5. Then select the "Culturally diverse" or more specific options to the right. Options include: Asian, Black, Indigenous, Latino/Latina/Latine...
6. Click "Find Titles" button.
Themes include, "Immigrant experiences" and "Facing racism."
You can browse some Awards Lists (see the separate page of this guide for more) from within NoveList. These NoveList links are below.