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Health Economics: State of the State

Part 3

  1. Submission Part 3: Health Determinants (behaviors, community & environment, policy, clinical care).  DUE: Nov.17th (midnight)
    1. Using America’s Health Rankings, collect the following data:
      1. Report your state’s overall ranking
      2. Select 2 measures under each of the following domains, report your state’s ranking, the value of the measure, and identify what state has the number 1 ranking for that specific measure:
        1. Behaviors
        2. Community & Environment
        3. Policy
        4. Clinical Care
        5. All Determinants
        6. Outcomes
        7. Supplemental Measures
      3. Summarize what are the strengths and weakness in your state.
    2. Understanding Within State Variations (Geography and Health):
      1. Using, explore this website and read about your state (this is an excellent resource!). Answer the following questions:
        1. What difference do you see among counties in your state?
        2. What differences do you see by racial/ethnic groups in your state?
        3. What patterns do you see? For example, do some racial/ethnic groups fare better or worse across measures?
      2. In order to answer these questions, you need to collect the following information.  Select (1) High ranking county and select (1) low ranking county. Collect the important data points under the following health domains:





Health Outcomes:

1. Premature death

2. Pick one

Health Factors:

Health Behaviors




Clinical Care



Social & Economic Factors




Physical Environment



  1. Policy Map (***not due on Nov 17th – include in your PowerPoint presentation) Include 2 maps created in PolicyMap to use in your final power point presentation – discussion/review in class on 11/13

  1. Submission Part 4;  DUE Friday Nov 22nd
    1. Using all the data that you have collected; create a PowerPoint presentation that provides and overview and understanding of the health of your state.
    2. Summarize and explore the key findings. Finally, what are your final thoughts about the health of your state, what are some of the– important issues facing state and health care leaders, and (to end on a optimistic note) what are some interesting, innovative things that leaders in your state are doing about the health of their residents?
    3. Please review the assessment rubric to understand how the PowerPoint presentation will be graded. Rubric is posted on Canvas.