Looking for Images in Journals and Periodicals?
Rider subscribes to many indexes for finding articles in journals (and sometimes chapters in books).
The online indexes are available on the library's webpage under Databases & Indexes.
We also have a good collection of journals and periodicals on the shelf in print. You can often find images in articles by searching a database. If the full-text or the images are not found online, you may be able to use the citation to find the issue in a different database or on the shelf in the Moore Library Periodicals Room. Click on Journal Holdings on the library webpage and type the name of the journal.
In order to search images, keyword search on the caption field from the Advanced Search page. The drop-down menus to the right of the search boxes have a “caption” option, which will return content with images.
Currently, Project MUSE offers nearly 200 quality journal titles from some 30 scholarly publishers. ...Project MUSE covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others." Project MUSE includes the full content of each journal with the exception of advertisements.
Search captions by using the search code CAP and placing your search term in parenthesis, for example
1. To search for Images, enter an Ebsco database and mouse over More on the top menu and select Images
Enter your search terms for the image you want in the search box (i.e., mountains).
Your search term must match exactly a word in the title or caption of an image; the search term mountains does not yield the same results as the search term mountain range. You can use Boolean terms to further specify your search. (For example: mountains and rivers.)
Click Search. A Result List consisting of thumbnail images with brief descriptions appears.
Your results will be limited to the Image Collection (smaller set of results). Select Image Quick View Collection for more.