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Credo Information Literacy-Core

Important Information for Implementing Credo

Quiz grades can be sent directly to your Canvas Gradebook if integrated into Canvas or your email but you must ask your students to include your email after they have concluded any quizzes. They will be prompted at the end of their quiz to add any emails that would like to see their test results. 


Instructions for adding Credo Information Literacy Tutorials to Canvas

1. Add item to Canvas Assignments or Module by clicking + on the right hand side.

2. Add to Type = External Tool, find Credo Info Lit

3. Select the tutorials you’d like to add, Click Submit

4. Save & Publish

Instructions with screenshots

1. Add item to Canvas Assignments or Module by clicking + on the right hand side.

2. Add to Type = External Tool, find Credo Info Lit

Screenshot of a Canvas module with arrows to the + on the right side of a module, external tool isselected, and instructions to scroll for the Credo Info Lit

3. Select the tutorials you’d like to add, and at the bottom, click Submit.

Screenshot Canvas of Credo Info Lit External Tool

screenshot bottom of Credo Info LIt external tool in Canvas with Submit button.


4. Publish in your Canvas Course.