The field of critical race theory has gotten increasingly more attention as an emerging perspective on race, the law, and policy. Critical race theory examines the social construction of the law, administrative policy, electoral politics, and political discourse in the U.S. Race Is Race Isn’t presents a group of qualitative research studies, literature reviews, and commentaries that collectively articulate critical race theory in secondary and post-secondary educational settings. The editors explore links and conflicts with other areas of difference, including language, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, with the goal of opening a dialogue about how critical race theory can be incorporated into education research methodologies.
Beyond the doctoral thesis itself, the most significant factors in the progression of PhD candidature and early academic careers are: the relationships between the researcher and their supervisor(s), the ability to network, and understanding one's place in the global research arena. Navigating these critical factors and moving from a novice to expert, is a critical undertaking for every PhD candidate and a process that will continue for years following one's PhD. In this book, scholars from around the world offer practical advice on how to get the most out of one's doctorate. Readers will get helpful tips on how to sustain healthy and long-lasting relationships with their supervisors, learn how to develop their networks, and understand the important changes impacting the modern PhD candidate.
Contemporary Challenges in Teaching Young Children provides both veteran and aspiring early childhood educators with the information and tools they need to build on their understanding of developmentally appropriate practice. Teachers face many challenges, including family configuration, social and political stressors related to accountability requirements, funding shortages, and the resulting need to teach with fewer resources. This innovative book focuses exclusively on problem-solving at the classroom level and fosters creative methods of ensuring best practices are in place for all children, including those with limited experience in formal social settings and a lack of self-regulatory behaviors. Drawing on current research and their own wealth of experience, expert contributors cover topics from the critical importance of social-emotional learning to culturally responsive teaching to using technology to empower teachers and learners. Written in accessible, non-technical language, this book addresses complex factors affecting child development, guiding readers through the best strategies for tackling real problems in their practice.
Print Books
The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers by Johnny Saldaña
Call Number: H62 .S31856 2016
ISBN: 9781473902497
Publication Date: 2015-12-08
Lecturers, request your electronic inspection copy Johnny Saldaña's unique and invaluable manual demystifies the qualitative coding process with a comprehensive assessment of different coding types, examples and exercises. The ideal reference for students, teachers, and practitioners of qualitative inquiry, it is essential reading across the social sciences and neatly guides you through the multiple approaches available for coding qualitative data. Its wide array of strategies, from the more straightforward to the more complex, is skillfully explained and carefully exemplified providing a complete toolkit of codes and skills that can be applied to any research project. For each code Saldaña provides information about the method′s origin, gives a detailed description of the method, demonstrates its practical applications, and sets out a clearly illustrated example with analytic follow-up. Now with a companion website, the book is supported by: SAGE journal articles showing coding being applied to real research Sample transcripts highlighting coding techniques Links to CAQDAS sites to introduce relevant software Practical student exercises Links to video and digital content This international bestseller is an extremely usable, robust manual and is a must-have resource for qualitative researchers at all levels.Click here for a listing of Johnny Saldaña′s upcoming workshops.
Using in-depth qualitative interviews, authors Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin have researched topics ranging from community redevelopment programs to the politics of budgeting and been energized by the depth, thoroughness, and credibility of what was revealed. They describe in-depth qualitative interviewing from beginning to end, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up.
Qualitative Research Design by Joseph A. Maxwell
Call Number: Q180.55.M4 M39 2005
ISBN: 9781412981194
Publication Date: 2012-06-08
This book gives researchers and students a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. Based on a course that the author taught for 7 years at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, it is written in an informal, jargon-free style and incorporates many examples and hands-on exercises. Rather than the rigid, linear approach to design that is usually found in research methods textbooks--and which is particularly ill suited for qualitative research--this book presents a flexible, systemic model of design. This model not only better fits what experienced qualitative researchers actually do, but provides a clear framework for designing a study and developing a research proposal. This edition includes new or substantially expanded discussions of research paradigms, defining a research problem, site and participant selection, relationships with research participants, data analysis, and validity, as well as more examples and exercises.
Packed with new topics that reflect today's challenges, the Sixth Edition of the bestselling How to Conduct Surveys guides readers through the process of developing their own rigorous surveys and evaluating the credibility and transparency of surveys created by others. Offering practical, step-by-step advice and written in the same clear and accessible style as author Arlene Fink's other works, the book focuses on choosing the appropriate type of survey, writing survey questions and responses, formatting the survey, deciding on the characteristics and numbers of respondents to include, choosing how often to survey respondents, and analyzing and reporting the results. Available with Perusall--an eBook that makes it easier to prepare for class Perusall is an award-winning eBook platform featuring social annotation tools that allow students and instructors to collaboratively mark up and discuss their SAGE textbook. Backed by research and supported by technological innovations developed at Harvard University, this process of learning through collaborative annotation keeps your students engaged and makes teaching easier and more effective. Learn more.
Feminist Research in Practice is a supplementary text for undergraduate and graduate research methods courses. The book opens with a detailed examination of feminist methodologies and sociological research methods, followed by twelve chapters offering an in-depth analysis of six research projects. Invited scholars have each contributed two paired chapters: the first is data-driven and includes a description of methods and findings as well as analysis, allowing contributors to highlight their application of feminist methods and approaches in their work. In the second of each pair, contributors offer a close reflection on the research process, including obstacles and the emergence of new inquiries, allowing readers to deepen their own understanding of feminist research as it is practiced. The projects themselves are diverse in focus and approach with both large and small research teams working in varied communities and using an assortment of methods. Feminist Research in Practice closes with an extensive bibliography of recent and established research literature for further consideration.
This best-selling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. For all three approaches, John W. Creswell and new co-author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, key elements of the research process, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research applications, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry. The Fifth Edition includes more coverage of: epistemological and ontological positioning in relation to the research question and chosen methodology; case study, PAR, visual and online methods in qualitative research; qualitative and quantitative data analysis software; and in quantitative methods more on power analysis to determine sample size, and more coverage of experimental and survey designs; and updated with the latest thinking and research in mixed methods. SHARE this Comparison of Research Approaches poster with your students to help them navigate the distinction between the three approaches to research.
The popular text that helped readers better understand and practice qualitative research has been completely updated and revised. To help readers better visualize and grasp the concepts, issues, and complexities of qualitative inquiry, the authors introduce each chapter with discussions among three ′characters′--students whose research projects demonstrate the challenges and excitement of qualitative research. Woven into the chapters and the characters′ stories are three themes that make up the tapestry of qualitative research: First, research is a learning process. Second, research can and should be useful. Finally, a researcher needs to have a clear vision of the audience and purpose of a study.
A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research by John W. Creswell
Call Number: H62 .C69618 2022
ISBN: 9781544355757
Publication Date: 2021-09-01
For students and researchers new to mixed methods, A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research 2e by renowned author John W. Creswell provides a brief and practical introduction to mixed methods. Many graduate students and researchers in the social, behavioral and health sciences may not have the time or resources to read long treatises or stacks of journal articles on mixed methods research. This text quickly describes the basics of setting up and conducting a study using this methodology. Chapters are short and follow the process of research, from ensuring skills for conducting research, acknowledging the steps in planning a study, designing studies with increasing complexity, planning sampling strategies and integration, and writing up the results of your study. New chapters separate basic and advanced mixed methods designs for more depth, while a reorganization of chapters better align with the research process. Useful templates throughout allow readers to concretely design and organize their studies. Get started in mixed methods quickly with this brief primer.