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News Sources in Library Databases

We have access to the Wall Street Journal through the database ProQuest, not through the Wall Street Journal website. We have access to text only, not images.

When you find an article online that you can't access because you've hit a paywall, come here. Often, it is tricky to find the article by title in the database, because the headline on the website and the official published headline do not match :( . Or if an online article was just published, there may be a delay before that article is available in the database.

  • Search by article title in quotes
  • If this fails, search by author name and a keyword in the title, and limit by date (use Advanced Search or filter by date after your search)
  • Ask a librarian! We will be happy to hunt it down.

Databases versus Journals access

Note: The Wall Street Journal can also be found by using Journals, but each edition of the WSJ is listed separately here. 

  • The first entry is the online edition.
  • The fourth entry is the print edition (Eastern edition).

List of Wall Street Journal editions retured when searching in Journals. Highlighted are The Wall Street Journal (online), the Eastern editon, and WSJ: The Magazine of the Wall Street Journal.


It is best to search using the link to the Wall Street Journal database instead, found above and in the Databases list (orange button on the library home page). The database will search all versions: online, Eastern edition, and the magazine.

Orange Databases button from library home page

Advanced Search options allow you to be more specific in your search by limiting search terms to specific fields in multiple boxes.

You can choose your publication date here, if you know it.


Advances Search screen for WSJ is shown, with drop-down options next to the search box and the Publication Date box highlighted.

Publication date drop-down options are shown: Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 3 months, Last 12 months, Last 3 years, On this date..., After this date, Before this date.

Limit after your search to the following options: Publication date, Publication title, Document type, Subject, Company/organization, Location, Person, and Language. Expand each box by clicking on the down arrow to see filter options from your search results.

The most helpful in finding a particular article may be the Publication date, if you know it.

Limits on left-hand side highlighted. Search results grayed out.

Expand the Publication date category to get options. If you click on a date range box, you will be presented with a calendar to choose your date.

Publication date expanded. Shows two boxes for beginning and end date, plus a graph of articles published by year.

In order to browse the articles published on a certain date, you have to choose a particular edition of the Wall Street Journal.

1. Go to the Publications tab for the Wall Street Journal in the ProQuest database.

proquest WS page with Publication tabs highlighted

2. Click on the particular edition (Online; Eastern Edition)

3. Scroll down to find the years. Expand to find by month and day.


1. In the Publications tab in the Wall Street Journal database, choose the edition you wish to browse. Perhaps you are looking for the full text of an article you saw online at, so we will choose the Online edition.

List of WSJ Publications under the Publications tab, with the online version highlighted.

2. Here is the detailed record for the Online edition. To browse by date, scroll down to "Browse Specific Issues." Expand the -Year and -Month to see a listing of the articles published on that date.

Wall Street Journal (Online) record view. Browse dates is shown with 2020 and April expanded to show April dates..

3. Here we are browsing the April 17, 2020 issue of The Wall Street Journal. 68 articles are listed. There is an option to "Search within" this issue, which brings you to search box at the bottom of the page where you enter search terms, such as words in the title of the article you are looking for.


List of articles for the chosen browse, April 17, 2020. "Search within" option is highlighted.

The Publications tab shows the three versions of The Wall Street Journal included in a search. You could select a particular version here, if you wanted, if you knew in which edition it was published, but this is not necessary. Here is where you would select a publication to BROWSE BY DATE.

Note: Return to the Basic Search or Advanced Search to search for an article (do not search here in Publications). Article titles usually differ between the printed Eastern edition and the Online Edition. By searching all the titles, you should be able to find what you are looking for. (If you can't, chat with a librarian! We will help!)


The Publications tab of the Wall Street Journal database lists the three publications included.