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BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ Playwrights and Plays

Filtering in New Play Exchange to find BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ playwrights

This is Rider University Libraries database.


1. Under Search, click Plays (to find a play) or People (to find a list of people).

A purple arrow points to the Plays link under the Search menu option, which is in an orange header in the mid-upper right of the screen.


2. Expand the filter Playwright Demographics.

Under the Filter Plays menu, a purple arrow points ot the Playwright Demographics filter.


3. Under Race/Ethnic Identity, choose an identity such as "Black African, or African American." Results will start to populate to the left. Optionally, filter by Playwright Location. Other options include Gender Identity and Sexual Identity.

A purple arrow points to the "Black, African, or African American" option under the filter Race/Ethnic Identity.