"CINAHL Complete is the world’s most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. ... CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature and supports nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers."
General Science Full Text (Wilson)
- Access over 1700 scientific, technical & medical peer-reviewed journals.
- Search over 59 million abstracts from scientific articles.
- Link out to articles from over 120 other publishers.
- ScienceDirect includes 125 titles formerly found in IDEAL.
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
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