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Taguette for Coding Qualitative Data

Taguette is easy to use. Just upload your research data, highlight and add tags/codes, just as you would with highlighters and printed paper.

Using Taguette

You are able to use Taguette on their server for free at

  • This requires creating an account.Click Login, then Register. 


You can also install Taguette locally on your computer. Instructions for installation are available at   

  • This links to their gitlab page. The download link is available towards the bottom of the page.
  • You'll also need to read the instructions on how to self-host. 


Fortunately the program and the webapp look identical. 

The only feature you get with the download is the ability to work on it your coding without being logged into the internet



From the home screen, click Create a Project.

Enter your project information, including a Title & Description (optional)


screenshot Taquette create peoject page


screenshot taguette new project page

Once you are in the project, look for the Documents tab in the left-hand pane

Click Add Documents

You will see an upload box that allows just one document at a time.

Document formats include: .pdf, .docx, . txt., .odt., .rtf., .md. or .html

Taguette Project  page with arrows to Document tab and add document link


screenshot taguette add document tab



Within the project, click on the Project info tab in the left-hand pane.

Click Manage Collaborators

Enter the username of your collaborator and assign their access level.

Use this same spot to edit access levels or remove collaborators

screenshot taguette page with arrow pointing to project info and manage collaborators