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Publishing Your Research

You've published. Now what....

What is Self-Archiving?

Over 79% of scholarly publishers worldwide give permission for authors to self-archive a version of their articles in an accessible place. Self-archiving allows authors to make their scholarly works available on the Internet or through email.  A scholarly work is self-archived if it is posted to a personal or professional web site, deposited in an institutional repository, or contributed by the author to a disciplinary archive (e.g. PubMed Central, SSRN). Depending on terms in the publishing contract, authors may permit a pre-peer reviewed copy to be made available, but prohibit distribution of the final, publishers PDF. Other publishers may impose an embargo period, that is: the work can be archived by the author in an open access system, but only after a period of time has elapsed.  You may self-archive your work by using the following methods:

Uploading to a Personal Website

Many Rider faculty have web pages that describe their research interests and recent publications. You may wish to make electronic copies of your publications available for direct download from your Rider web page. By providing a link for direct download from your Rider faculty page, the general public may easily access and read your work. 

Uploading to a Subject Repositories

Some authors deposit working or final versions of their papers in disciplinary or subject repositories. This allows researchers with similar interests to read, comment, and access a deposited work. For a list of disciplinary repositories, consult Open Access Directory wiki.

Uploading to Rider's Institutional Repositories (RiderU Zenodo)

Rider University uses the platform Zenodo as an institutional repository for Rider scholarly work. Zenodo allows Rider to follow a Green OA model, which is a repository-based open access. To self-archive your work, please enter your DOI below or send works without an assigned DOI to

Make your research visible and see 30% more citations

Share your paper with help from the library in RiderU Zenodo. Legally, for free, in minutes. Join millions of researchers sharing their papers freely with colleagues and the public.

Start by entering the DOI of your paper

We’ll gather information about your paper and find the easiest way to share it.

My paper doesn’t have a DOI

**NOTE: If you paper doesn't have a DOI, you may also send an email to (Sharon Whitfield) for assistance depositing your work in RiderU Zenodo.**