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948 Talbott & Moore

MH Stats

948 Statistics Keeping


Date yyyymmdd






Type of processing (may use more than one)

consult=item given to me by copy catalogers before they catalog it

overlay=overlay current record with updated or new record from OCLC

select=chose record from multiple on OCLC for copy cataloger

check=item flagged for me to check from cart of books or from copy catalogers (non-DLC/PCC)

cc=copy cataloging

ccedit=copy cataloging edits

cnedit=created or changed call number

orig=original cataloging

upgrade=if upgraded from level 3, k, or m

enrich=added to OCLC master record

lcsh=additions/corrections to subject headings

names=corrected name headings/access points

cr=catalog review (for old titles, enter first)

crref=Robert’s Reference fixes

ridw=retrospectively added Internet location to print document that did not previously contain an 856 in the bib


relink=relinked items 

mfhd=changed holdings info

item=fixed item info  or item enum

505=entered table of contents

Sw505=edit student worker –entered 505s

520=summary notes

007=fixed or added 007

Other tags if feel important to record

acc=accompanying material

addcopy=add a second copy on same record

addvol=add additional volumes to same record




ridr, etc

ridm ridw (print holdings with full text link in separate holdings; 856 in bib copied to mfhd

ridr ridw (print holdings in Ref. with full text link in separate holdings


Type of material












Number of volumes

If electronic document only, enter “0.”



How long it took to work on this record (not required)




948  $d 20100129 $c MH $t cr crref mfhd866 ridw relink item enum $l ridr $v 10 

(Catalog review of Reference item where I fixed or added an 866, relinked items, fixed the enumeration, and created a RIDW location in addition to the already present RIDR location.  There were 10 items that were relinked/had their enumeration fixed)

948 $d 20090925 $c MH $t consult ccedit cnedit lcsh 505 520 enrich $l ridm $v 1

(A book from the stacks given to me by Carl or Frank where I performed copy editing, cnediting, added or fixed the LCSH, added a 505, and added a 520.  I also enriched this record on OCLC [I have a separate Excel file where I record the OCLC number and what I enriched]. This book is in the stacks and is one title/one volume)

948 $d 20091003 $c MH $t check cnedit $l ridm $v 1

(Book flagged for me from copy cataloger where I edited the call number.)

948 $d 20091112 $c MH $t orig $l ridv $f dvd $v 1

(Original cataloging of a DVD.)