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ENV-100 (Druckenbrod)

Introduction to Environmental Sciences

Creating an Account/Logging into Refworks

To create a new Refworks account, go to Click on "Use login from my institution."  Locate "Rider University" in the dropdown. You will be redirected to the Rider IdP page.  Enter your Rider Key.  Then, follow the screen instructions to create your account.

Installing Refworks Add-on to Google Docs

Installing the Google Docs Add-on for RefWorks

  1. Open a blank document and select “Add-ons”, “Get Add-ons” and search for “ProQuest RefWorks”.  Once you find it, just click on the “free” button to add it.

installing Google Docs

You’ll be asked to “accept” certain conditions of using the add-on:


Once you have accepted the conditions, you’re brought into your new document and are ready to start writing your paper. 


Working the Refworks add-on in Google Docs

Working with the ProQuest RefWorks Add-on for Google Docs

  1. Start writing and when you are ready to insert your first citation, select “Add-ons”, “ProQuest RefWorks”, “Manage Citations”. 

Add Ons menu

  1. If this is your first time using the RefWorks add-on, you’ll be asked to log in to your RefWorks account.  If you do not have a RefWorks account, you can sign up and receive access.  You should have an affiliation with an academic institution and use your institutional email address to register.  Once you’ve logged in, you don’t need to log out unless you’re on a public computer.

RefWorks add ons in word

  1. The right-hand pane will change, defaulting to your RefWorks “All references” view.

All References view

  1. If you want to work with a RefWorks collection of references, just click on “All references” to see your list of collections.  Choose the collection with the references you need for your paper.  You can also use the “search” option to search for specific references.  The search options searches all fields.

list of collections

search your references

  1. You can start writing your paper and when you are ready to cite a reference in RefWorks, click on the citation and click the “cite this” button.  The in-text citation will be inserted (using the last output style you used in RefWorks).

Cite This button

  1. There is also a citation editing option.  Click “Edit and Cite” to add page numbers, hide the author name, or hide the publication year in your in-text citation (dependent upon the output style you are using).   You will also see a preview of the in-text citation and your bibliography entry.

Edit and Cite

Continue to add citations and watch your bibliography update right in front of you. 

You can also add footnotes (make sure your output style supports them!) by using Google Docs footnote option (Insert, Footnote):

Add footnotes

Changing your output style

There are two ways you can change your output style for your paper:

  1.  In the RefWorks pane in your document, click on the “options” icon  and select “Change citation style”

  1. Or you can select any reference from the list and click the “Cite and Edit” button and change the style:

Note:  Custom output styles are currently not accessible.

Deleting or changing citations

  1. Highlight the citation you wish to delete and use the backspace key or delete key to remove it.
  2. Insert the new citation (if applicable).
  3. Click on the “options” icon Options icon (sometimes referred to as Gear) and select “Update document”.  Your document will refresh and the bibliography entry will be removed or updated (if you added a replacement citation).

update document

Any additions, changes or deletions you make in your RefWorks account are automatically synched with the Google Docs Add-on.

Note:  changes are NOT made to any in-text citations or the bibliography in your document.