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BIO 420

Saving Searches

Starting from the MyNCBI homepage...

  1. Sign In to use an existing account or click on Register for an account to establish a new account.
  2. Perform the search to be saved or updated regularly in the database of interest.
  3. Click the "Save Search" search link that appears near the top of the search results page.
  4. In MyNCBI save the search and choose the settings for automated E-mail updates. These settings can be modified at any time by accessing the MyNCBI account.

Saving Citations into Collections

  1. After running a search, select the citations you would like to save from the Results by placing a checkmark in the box next to the citation(s) OR click on Send to (above the results) then Collections and add (all or specific) Selections. NOTE: Don’t choose My Bibliography from Sent to, as this is a separate function tied to the NIH open access policy and not a way to build a bibliography for a research topic.
  2. Select whether to create a new collection for the citations (the default option) or add to an existing collection.
  3. Enter a short and meaningful name for your new collection or choose an existing collection from the Favorites dropdown menu.
  4. Click Add when done.
  5. To access, delete, or share collections, log in to My NCBI and click on Manage Collections.