In Library Catalog (via Library One Search)
In Literature Databases (via Library One Search or in MLA directly)
Search 1.
Search 2 (broader; will catch mentions in abstracts or titles; will catch in table of contents for a book recod)
The citation information in the library databases will tell you.
The example below uses a citation found in Library One Search as an example; other databases vary.
1. Icons in the result list next to the citation should tell you what you are looking at, but you can click on the article title to go the full citation, where you can learn more information.
2. This brings you the full record view, where you can see your "document type" (article), subject terms, an abstract (summary), and the ISSN (international standard serial number) of the journal, a unique number used to identify it worldwide.
To learn more about the "source" itself, click on the hyperlinked journal title (or in some cases [journal detail] at the end of the "Source" line.) From the initial results screen, we already know it is an academic journal. But is it peer-reviewed? What topics does it publish? Click on the title of the "Source" to find out.
3. This is the record for the source "Hypatia," the journal in which the article above was published. We learn that this is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes on feminist philosophy.
4. If we click on the publisher link, or Google the journal title and publisher combination, we are taken to the journal's home page, where we can learn even more about it, if we like, such as its aims and scope.
This is the record for Hypatia when we search in our publications database, found under the blue Journals button on the library home page. Here we get basic information, such that is is peer-reviewed and that its publisher is Cambridge. We also learn its subject scope.
Ulrichsweb can answer your question!
The Rider University Libraries subscribes to a database called Ulrichsweb that gives detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
You can search by journal title, keyword, ISSN number, and subject area.
Below is the record for a journal called Marvels & Tales. This record tells you that Marvels & Tales is an academic or scholarly journal that is peer-reviewed.