The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law by Peter Newman (Editor)
Call Number: RIDR K487.E3 N48 1998
ISBN: 1561592153
Publication Date: 1998-03-01
A great deal of economics is about law - the functioning of markets, property rights and their enforcement, financial obligations, and so forth - yet these legal aspects are almost never addressed in the academic study of economics. Conversely, the study and practice of law entails a significant understanding of economics, yet the drafting and administration of laws often ignore economic principle.The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law is uniquely placed by the quality, breadth and depth of its coverage to address this need for building bridges. Drawn from the ranks of academics, professional lawyers, and economists in eight countries, the 340 contributors include world experts in their fields. Among them are Nobel laureates in economics and eminent legal scholars.First published in 1998 and now available in paperback for the first time, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law has established itself as a classic reference work in this important field.
Recent Ebooks and Print Books on Economics Topics
The Future of Capitalism by Lester C. Thurow
Call Number: HB3730 .T55 1996 1996
ISBN: 0688129692
Publication Date: 1996-01-01
In this time of great economic change, when various factors are playing off each other and radically altering our world, one of America's most influential and popular economists identifies the factors causing disequilibrium--including the conversion of the communist world to capitalism and the promise of a truly global economy--and charts a course for surviving and winning in the future.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a global development that shows no signs of slowing down. In his book, The Workplace of the Future: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Precariat and the Death of Hierarchies, Jon-Arild Johannessen sets a chilling vision of how robots and artificial intelligence will completely disrupt and transform working life. The author contests that once the dust has settled from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, workplaces and professions will be unrecognizable and we will see the rise of a new social class: the precariat. We will live side by side with the 'working poor' ¿ people who have several jobs, but still can¿t make ends meet. There will be a small salaried elite consisting of innovation and knowledge workers. Slightly further into the future, there will be a major transformation in professional environments. Johannessen also presents a typology for the precariat, the uncertain work that is created and develops a framework for the working poor, as well as for future innovation and knowledge workers, and sets out a new structure for the social hierarchy. A fascinating and thought-provoking insight into the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Workplace of the Future will be of interest to professionals and academics alike. The book is particularly suited to academic courses in management, economy, political science and social sciences.
Time is of the essence. Climate change looms as a malignant force that will reshape our economy and society for generations to come. If we are going to avoid the worst effects of climate change, we are going to need to effectively "decarbonize" the global economy by 2050. This doesn't mean a modest, or even a drastic, improvement in fuel efficiency standards for automobiles. It means 100 percent of the cars on the road being battery-powered or powered by some other non-carbon-emitting powertrain. It means 100 percent of our global electricity needs being met by renewables and other non-carbon-emitting sources such as nuclear power. It means electrifying the global industrials sector and replacing carbon-intensive chemical processes with green alternatives, eliminating scope-one emissions--emissions in production--across all industries, particularly steel, cement, petrochemicals, which are the backbone of the global economy. It means sustainable farming while still feeding a growing global population. Responding to the existential threat of climate change, Michael Lenox and Rebecca Duff propose a radical reconfiguration of the industries contributing the most, and most harmfully, to this planetary crisis. Disruptive innovation and a particular calibration of industry dynamics will be key to this change. The authors analyze precisely what this might look like for specific sectors of the world economy--ranging from agriculture to industrials and building, energy, and transportation--and examine the possible challenges and obstacles to introducing a paradigm shift in each one. With regards to existent business practices and products, how much and what kind of transformation can be achieved? The authors assert that markets are critical to achieving the needed change, and that they operate within a larger scale of institutional rules and norms. Lenox and Duff conclude with an analysis of policy interventions and strategies that could move us toward clean tech and decarbonization by 2050.
Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are powerful forces that will likely have large impacts on the size, direction, and composition of international trade flows. This book discusses how industrial robots, automation, and AI affect international growth, trade, productivity, employment, wages, and welfare. The book explains new approaches on how robots and artificial intelligence affect the world economy by presenting detailed theoretical framework and country-specific as well as firm-product level-specific exercises. This book will be a useful reference for those researching on robots, automation, AI and their economic impacts on trade, industry, and employment. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
The availability of low-cost energy from fossil fuels - in particular oil - has been the driving force behind postwar global economic growth, such that the petroleum industry has some of the world's largest companies. This book examines the economics of the oil and gas industry, from exploration, development and production, to transportation, refining and marketing. At each stage of the value chain, the key economic costs and considerations are presented in order to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the industry. The book examines some of the unique economic challenges the industry faces, including negotiating international contracts with host countries (to gain access to hydrocarbons), managing the risks of recovery, implementing cross-border pipelines, dealing with huge variations in the taxation of refined products, and reacting to the effect of price control and subsidization in the OPEC nations which can create massive volatility in pricing. The search for low-carbon fuels, the impact of shale gas, the prospect of finite reserves, and the global political realities of the competing demands of oil-importing and oil-exporting countries are shown to make the sector high risk, but the economic rewards can be huge.