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Taguette for Coding Qualitative Data

Taguette is easy to use. Just upload your research data, highlight and add tags/codes, just as you would with highlighters and printed paper.


Open the Highlights tab in the left-hand pane and click Create a tag.

screenshot Taguette Highlights tab

You can also create new tags by highlighting text in a document (right-hand pane) and click [new highlight]

screenshot Taguette page with text selected and new highlight mini popup under it to the right

This screen pops up where you can select an existing tab or create a new one. 

screenshot of Taguette with new highlight options

Select text within a document and click [new highlight]

In the pop-up that appears, chose an existing tag or create a new one.

Each highlight can have  multiple tags. 


screenshot Taguette page with text selected and new highlight mini popup under it to the right

This screen pops up where you can select an existing tab or create a new one. 

screenshot of Taguette with new highlight options

Create a hierarchy among your codes by using any punctuation marks like this:


Category.subcategory or Category-subcategory.

screenshot of Taquette test tags

You need to be in the Highlights tab on the left-hand pane/

To merge or delete tags or change the tag name, click on the edit button to the right of the tag.

You can make your changes on the pop-up screen. 

screenshot Taquette highlights tab. Arrow to edit next to a tab and a pop up where you can merge, edit name, or delete tag

  • Use the Highlights tab to look at your highlighted text
  • Click on a tag to see text with that assigned tag
  • Your code hierarchy influences what you'll see:
    • Category - shows everything that starts with Category
    • Category.subcategory shows items you have tagged as Category.subcategory.
  • Use See all highlights to return to the full list. Taguette - see all highlights