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Finding the Full Text of Articles

Found the perfect article, but there is no link to the full text? We might have access through another database! Here's how to check.

Full Text

Full text (access to the resource) is indicated in a database by the following icons and links.

Find these

  • below the article on the results page
  • to the left on the article record page.
  • Or in some databases, such as Science Direct, there will be a "View PDF" or "Download" button, usually at the top.
Icon/Link Description

EBSCO Screenshot Access now (PDF)

In PDF Format
In HTML text
EBSCO interface Access options - PDF and Online full text In PDF and Online Full text (usually HTML)
Clicking will take you to PDF or HTML retrieved from another database or site.
Full Text from Eric
Ebsco Screenshot for Direct Link to Publisher;s website)
In the ERIC database only, links you to articles available at, if available.
JSTOR Full Text Links to articles in the JSTOR database.

Get it @ Rider University Library! (via our ONLINE or print subscriptions)

Image of link under Access Options, named Get it @ Rider University Library! (via our ONLINE or print subscriptions.


Clicking will take you to the electronic version (streaming audio, video; PDF, HTML) or the library catalog, where you can see where to access the print version or direct subscription link to the publisher


Available from...

Get it from...

Screenshot EDS Proquest

Links like this will bring you to the resource (streaming audio, video; PDF, HTML) in a different database or in an open-source scholarly repository on the web.

  • If you do not see one of the above links in the results screen of the full citation, we most likely DO NOT have immediate access to the journal (or book, if searching Library One Search, which contains citations for books we may not own. It is always best to double-check the library catalog directly for book titles.)  Check with a librarian to be sure!
  • You can also take the title and search Google Scholar to see if it's freely available as an open access title.


  • Otherwise we can get the item through Interlibrary Loan (below).


Request this title from another library (ILL)! proceeded by an icon of two arrows forming a square loop.                                               
Icon/Link Description

                                  screenshot Ebsco interface access options with Search for Open Access and Request this title from another library (ILL)                                                           
When you click "Request this title from another library (ILL!)", you are linked to a form that is pre-filled out with all the information you need to give us. The only thing you need to fill out is the date you need it by and also double-check your email address. We will get the article from another library and email it to you. 
  When you Search for Open Access, we search to see if the article happens to be freely available.  If it is not available, then, "Request this title from another library (ILL)!" as explained above. 


USE the Journals button on the Libraries' homepage to see if the Libraries own or have access to the print or electronic versions of the journal title, magazine, newspaper.

find full-text Journal

Entering the name of the journal and clicking on the Search button will display a list of journals matching your search terms.

Marvels & Tales has been search as title begins with. The results show a peer-reviewed journal with access links into the databases Project Muse and Humanities Full Text.


Select the item you want and click on “Full Text Access,” which appears below the item (see image above). 
This will produce a list of databases and/or links to the library catalog(s) to direct you to the full text of the
journal in electronic and/or print formats.

If your journal title does not appear here, please request the item through Interlibrary Loan.