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CMP-125 (O'Neil, 2020)


Now that you have found information on your topic, consider how you are going to use it.

How will you construct new meaning from this information and communicate it effectively? 

It is helpful to read through all of your sources to make sure that you have the information you need.  As you read through them, you may find citations to other relevant sources.  Looking through the references in all of your sources can be helpful in finding these additional sources.

As you begin to use the information you found, it is critical to consider how you are using it.


What is Plagiarism - a tutorial from University of Maine; or Avoiding Plagiarism a research guide by the Wichita State University.

Rider Libraries's research guide Citations: Understanding and Creating help students cite sources correctly to give attributions.  An tutorial for MLA citation is included on this page.  


Use NoodleTools to walk you through creating your Works Cited/References list (supports MLA, APA, & Chicago styles).

You provide the correct citation elements (author, title, source, etc.).

NoodleTools takes care of the format and punctuation! Import your citations into Word or email them to yourself or others.

NoodleTools also allows you to take notes, organize and analyze your resources, and share your work with your classmates and professors.

Create an account with NoodleTools.