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CMP-120 (Farr, Fall 2020)


Next, find information about your topic.  

What types of sources will be good for your topic, books, audio, journals, magazines, websites?

What search tools can help you locate them, the library library catalog, journal databases, web search engines?

Depending on what you find, you might need to revise your topic or search strategy.

If you are having trouble finding information on your topic, always feel free to ask a librarian.


Search Tips - A Tutorial

Capitalize your connectors AND/OR

1. Phrase Search-keep a phrase together so it will not get separated and lose intended meaning


"yellowstone park"

"sandy hook"

2. Truncations  - to search words of various endings


comput* -computer, computers, computerize computerized, computerinzing, computational, computation

wom?n - woman or women

girl*-girl, girls, girlish

3. Boolean Operators - use AND/ OR/ NOT to connect your keywords - Boolean Machine.

 Example- AND

california AND parks

"yellowstone park" AND "wild life"

Example- OR

women OR girl* OR female*

research OR survey or case stud*

Example- NOT (AND NOT)

yellowstone NOT park

clinton AND NOT hillary

4. Use parenthesis and quotation marks for logical execution of search terms

"sexual harassment" AND ("work place" OR office)

  • Find a perfect article but how do you know if you have access to the full text? This Finding the Full Text of Articles Research Guide can help you.
  • What if there is no link to the full text of the article? We might have access through another database. We might have access through another database. Use the Journals link to check. Enter the name of the journal, magazine or newspaper in the search box. 
  • Still have trouble finding text? Ask a librarian  .



Library Catalog

                  Advanced Search

Tutorial on How to Search Online Catalog


Sample book search

1. At the Advanced Search box, enter  cell* phone OR mobile phone, Limit to Subject

2. Under Location > Moore Stacks (shelves)

3. Use the book call number to find books on the shelves.

book search and Moore Stacks

Library One Search Search tips:

1. Use Advanced search interface

2. Limit search in Abstract or Subject field or a combination to narrow down the results with fewer items

3.  Limit to Online Access to find the Library's full-text journals, magazines, newspapers and ebooks on your topics. 

4.  Limit to more current date range, depending on your topics. 

5. Capitalize connectors AND (for words of different concepts) /OR (for synonyms) to search with keywords

Your Topics

police reform, politicizing masks; women balance career and family, gay right movement, LGBTQIA; child poverty, hunger, immigration;racism, white privilege, bigotry

1.  Is voting by mail troublesome for election? 

vot* AND mail* AND election

2. President Trump's management of COVID-19? 
trump AND covid-19

3.  Discrimination of LBTQIA in the workplace

LGBT* AND (workplace OR office)

4.  Child poverty  prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic
"child* poverty" AND covid-19 pandemic

5. Is police  prejudice against the blacks?
police AND black*

6. Are immigrants burden or merit to the US?
immigrant* AND (burden OR merit) 

7. How women balance career and family?

women OR career AND (home OR family)