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NUR 402 Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice

What are Subject Headings?

Both CINAHL and Medline use Subject Headings. Subject Headings are controlled vocabularly terms assigned to articles by professionals. Searching by subject headings is very efficient. They can help you limit to articles where the major subject is the topic article.

This page includes a video and screenshots of how to use Cinahl Subject Headings. Medline's subject headings are called MeSH. The process is the same in both databases (if you are using Medline via the Ebscohost platform and not PubMed). 

CINAHL Headings Tutorial

Watch the short video or view the steps in the boxes below. 

Created by Rider Libraries

CINAHL Subject Headings

A very efficient way to search the CINAHL Complete database is by using using CINAHL Headings. Headings are the terms used to assign subject headings to the articles in the database.


1. Click CINAHL Headings at the top of the page.

 CINAHL Complete database homepage

2.  Type your term in the Search box and click Browse .

 CINAHL Complete database browse menu3. Click the callout icon under the Scope (left) column to see a definition of the subject heading

 CINAHL Complete database callout option

4. Select the desired subject heading by checking the box next to it. This will also display the subheadings associated with the subject heading

 CINAHL Complete database selection menu


5. You may also click on any Subject Heading to see term in the hierarchical view of subject heading terms.

 CINAHL Complete database viewing opiton

Selecting Explode will also search terms narrower than your term. For example, exploding Pressure Ulcer will also include Deep Tissue Injury and Heel Ulcer

Selecting Major Concept will limit your results to articles where your selected Heading is the focus of the article.