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Education and the Law

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Citing Judicial Opinions


There are 5 parts of citing cases - legal decisions

  1. Case name (party vs party)
  2. Volume of the reporter
  3. Reporter 
  4. Page of which the decision 
  5. Year of decision


Legal Citation described: Case name,. followed by Volume of reporter, Reporter name, Page, year of decision




Google Scholar includes Case Law.

For each case, they provide a Bluebook citation.  (APA uses Bluebook for Legal citations).


1. Under the search box, click the button for Case Law Screenshot Google Scholar with arrow to case law radio button



Once you find your case, click the quotation marks listed underneath

Screenshot of google scholar case law citation with callout to quotation marks and citation that apperas.



In Hein Online, you will find more information than needed for your legal citations.
The top lists the Volume, Reporter, and Page Number. 

You'll see the full names of the parties, you can just use the last names. 

And Year is at the end. 

Screenshot of Hein Online Case Header with highlights to Party Names, Volume, Report, Page Number, and Year.