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This Guide is for nursing students.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for articles

DOI is a string of numbers and sometimes letters that uniquely identifies an article and locates it online. This makes it very easy to locate the article.

Where do you look for the DOI?

  • When locating an article in a database, look at the citation information for its listing.
  • If you have a print copy of the article or locate the article electronically (online or from a database), look at the top or bottom of the first page.
  • Find it by using an online tool:

Here is a DOI found in a citation of an article found in Academic Search Premier [the tutorial calls this the "database landing page"]. The DOI is located on the second line in this example.

An online tutorial provides the history of this identifier, how to find it, and where to cite when creating a reference in Noodlebib.

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for journals

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) identifies specific journals.

  • Many journals have same or similar names but different publishers; the issn is specific to each journal.
  • The issn is a series of 8 digits in this format:  xxxx-xxxx [sometimes the dash is not present]
  • Look for the issn at the first page of an electronic pdf article or the citation information when finding the article in a database.
  • Ulrich's (listed in the Databases & Indexes link on the RU Libraries home page) lists journals and their issn.
  • When using the Journal Holdings tool on the RUL home page, the issn is located in parenthesis after the name of the journal if located in one of the databases or in print by the libraries.

Example from journal article found in Academic Search Premier and the ISSN is located at the bottom of the citation.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

Here is an example of a book found in the online catalog. The ISBN is listed under the Publisher information. Books found on websites such as Amazon, list this type of information as well.