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Elementary and Secondary Education

APA Style

The Reference List contains the following components:

  • author name or names
  • publication date
  • title of the work
  • publication data  (if applicable, name of journal, volume, page numbers)


For journal articles:

  • Type the article title in sentence case and journal title in title case.
  • Italicize journal title and volume number
  • Include the issue number in parentheses
  • Include the DOI (digital object identifier) if available, do not place a period after the DOI


Author, A. & Auther B. (YEAR). Title of article. Journal Name, Volume #(issue number), pages. doi.

Dhar, V. (2024). The paradigm shifts in artificial intelligence. Communications of the ACM67(11), 50-59.

If you accessed the article through a database and it has no DOI, do not include a URL in the citation. 
If you accessed the article directly from a journal's website and it has no DOI, include the URL in the citation. 
Older articles may not have DOIs, so just cite them without one. 
If you think your article has a doi, and you want to find it, see

The following table shows the basic in-text citation styles:


Author type Parenthetical citation Narrative citation

One author

(Luna, 2020)

Luna (2020) 

Two authors

(Salas & D’Agostino, 2020)

Salas and D’Agostino (2020)

Three or more authors

(Martin et al., 2020)

Martin et al. (2020)

Group author with abbreviation

First citation a

Subsequent citations


(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2020)

(NIMH, 2020)


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2020)

NIMH (2020)

Group author without abbreviation

(Stanford University, 2020)

Stanford University (2020)


When you are directly quoting or using a statistic from a source, it's important to include the page number in your citation

Parenthetical citation (Luna, 2020, p. 23). 

Narrative citation Luna (2020) states that citations are fine (p23). 

