Find (almost) all of the library's materials in one place: articles, books, video and audio materials, and more!
Library One Search cross-searches the library catalog and most of our databases.
More Authoritative than Google.
Google searches return the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Using the new Library One Search box gives you the simplicity of the Google Box with the authority of results chosen for academic libraries.
Books, articles, music, video, and more!
Use this tool to find articles, books, video and audio materials, and more. A wide variety of full text materials is included, as well as location information for hard copy materials in the Rider University Libraries.
From your intitial search results, use the left hand navigation bar to narrow, refine, and customize your search.
For example, limit to Rider University Libraries Catalog to find books, DVDs, government documents, and more in the library catalog.
Help us test this new service!
This new service is undergoing a trial period. We are still in the process of customizing and making Library One Search as user friendly as possible.
Please tell us what you think about this new search tool by filling out this short survey. Thank you for your input!
"This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles."
Directory of Open Access Journals