If you use ChatGPT or some other AI technology for writing, be sure you are transparent about your use of it and make sure your it is within your course policies.
Each citation style has different recommendations for citing generative AI tools like ChatGPT.
APA 7: Open AI. (Year). ChatGPT (month day version) [Large Language Model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
MLA 9: "Prompt text" prompt. ChatGPT, day month. version, OpenAI, day month year, chat.openai.com/chat
Last name, First Initial (Year). Title of Report, Report Number, Publisher.
Here is the citation for an IBISWorld report.
Rose, A. (2024). Cereal Production in the US, US 31123. IBISWorld.
Find this information in IBISWorld at the top of the report.
Statista provides citation information, typically located in the bottom right corner. If you see '(n.d.)', which stands for 'no date', it's important to note that most sources include a publication date, so be sure to update this if applicable.
Finding the citation in Business Source Premier for an article from a journal, magazine, newspaper, or trade publication.