Volvo AND information technology
(pharmacy OR pharmacies) AND information technology
"Google analytics" AND "search engine optimization"
"social networking sites" AND (promot* OR advert*)
facebook AND (promot* OR advert*)
wiki AND "internal communication"
blog AND communication AND compan*
"web 2.0" AND "business use"
twitter AND "business use"
1. Use quotes to search a phrase
"social networking"
"web services"
2. Boolean operators OR, AND, NOT
AND-Connects different concepts and narrow down a search
"social networking" AND "business use"
wiki AND "internal communication"
OR-Connect similar concepts and broaden a search
females OR ladies OR girls OR women
"mash up" OR mashup OR mash-up
NOT-"NOT" or "AND NOT" will exclude a term from a search
wiki NOT blog
communication NOT wireless
3. Use Brackets in Search Statement
"social networking" AND (advertising OR promotion OR customer relation)
(mashup OR mash-up OR "mash up") AND "business use"
4. Truncation symbols to broaden your search, "*" and "?"
comput*-computer, computers, computation, computational, computerizing, computerized
wom?n-women or woman
social network*-social network, social networks, social networking
5. Search not case sensitive
Bill Gates=bill gates
United States=united states