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Library Life: Displays and Events 2024-25

Finals Week - Spring

Welcome to the Finals Week De-Stress guide.  This guide will provide you with a variety of of activities, fun distractions, and campus resources to help get you through finals! Use the tabs above to access them.  Have fun and good luck on your finals!  



Paws to Destress: Rider Library Pet Therapy

Welcome back to finals @Rider.  Feeling a bit stressed?  The Rider librarians and student workers are sharing cute pictures of their pets to help get you through finals. Enjoy!


Leon (short for Napoléon) is a stubborn Scottish Terrier with a true Napoleon complex and a passion for snacks, naps, and getting his way.
Owner: Taysha Gateau-Barrera, Adjunct Librarian



This is Willow.  She’s a 1 year old New Foundland and she loves to swim, play in the snow, and stick her face into sand boxes. Her favorite food is peanut butter and anything she’s not supposed to have.
Owner: Andrea Oliver, Help Desk Student Worker



Grizzy is an English Setter who takes his naps seriously. He highly recommends that you find some time to rest, too. Daisy is a Beagle and while she is a sun worshipper, she has boundless love for anyone at any time.
Owner: Marion Wells, Adjunct Reference Librarian


Watch her TikTok Video
Hamchok the hamster enjoys fresh produce, running in her ball, and trying to escape elaborate block mazes.

Owner: stepdaughter of Alexis Kaelin, Adjunct Librarian



Chloe is a 2 year old pointer mix, who loves to stand guard and protect us from the squirrels in the backyard.  She licks everything in sight (she's part snake) and loves everyone. 
Owner: David M. Reynolds, Library Systems Manager


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Kona is a vocal twelve-year-old black cat who during quarantine and her owners' constant presence discovered the  true addictiveness of treats. Named after one of the favorite vacation destinations of her owners and the delicious black beverage of the beans grown there, Kona avails herself of the still-remote/hybrid-working food provider for the increased opportunity for treats all day long. She is currently obsessed with the strays that traipse through HER yard on the way to the neighbor's. She wants you to know that she is NOT a lap cat and does not like to be picked up for more than a second. However, if you open a lens wipe foil packet, she is RIGHT THERE so she can snatch it and RUN. Kona has recently become a travel kitty and has been with her owners to Utah in April 2021, Maine and Vermont in August 2021, Georgia in October 2021, Florida in December 2021, and most recently to Assateague in April 2022.  Kona has been to 29 states! 11/10 is a clever bean and best Kitty Kompanion.
Owner: Melissa A. Hofmann, Associate Professor-Librarian, Bibliographic Control Librarian


This is MacDuff, Duke of Argyll, Thane of Fife (named after the head of the clan Campbell [Argyll] and the character from Macbeth. His nicknames include Duff, Duffy, The Duffster, and *#?!&* when he nearly trips us. In all his pictures he looks very solemn but is constantly curious, and loves to play. He wasn't amused at all by his Christmas collar, but he was a gentleman about it.
Owned by Walt Campbell, husband of Diane Campbell, Business Librarian, who gets his attention when Walt's not available


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This is Miss Safari out sunning for a little bit.  She is always cold and always ready to curl up under the blankets with you. She tried on my mask, nope she is not liking it. She is sweet and loving until she gets together with Callie and Candy and then she becomes the leader of the pack.  She is 11 or so not really sure as she was a rescue. She is part chihuahua and part Italian greyhound = Greyhuahua.  She loves to shop and ride anywhere in the car.  Bundle of Joy.
Owner: Coleen Carr, Office Specialist, Moore Library Acquisitions

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Here is Emma, Enzo and Estevan.  Emma is a tabby cat who enjoys soaking in the sun.  She is the queen of the house and is 15 years old.  Enzo (wearing the bowtie) is 5 years old and is a super smart cat.  He knows how to do over 12 tricks, which include sit, lay, and twirl.  Estevan is almost 2 years old and we found him in our backyard. Both Enzo and Estevan enjoy attending Zoom meetings.
Owner: Sharon Whitfield, Electronic Resources and User Access Librarian.


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Meet these matching pets! Wolfie is a pit bull/hound mix dog. She is 4 and 1/2 years old. Sarafina is a tortoiseshell cat, almost 3 years old.
Owner: Heather Dalal, Associate Professor-Librarian



Meet Sami Starr (Power). She's a 7 year old Shih Tzu. Sami is an old soul whose main job is to take care of her Mama, me. She watches and waits for me, never eats food off the floor, and makes sure the yard is safe from bunnies, birds, and chipmunks. Sami is an absolute joy!
Owner: Janice Kucak,  Executive Secretary


Self-Care is important for stress relief and academic success. You can try some of the activities on this board  for some great self-care inspiration.
