Connection Information: First-time users, please select “Create Account” to create an personal account. After creating your account, you may use it to log into and The New York Times app from any location on any device. provides full access to all New York Times digital content, including news, multimedia, reviews, opinions, blogs, videos, podcasts, and newsletters. You may use your account to email, share, and comment on content. includes all articles published from 1851 to the present. Many articles published between September 18, 1851 and December 31, 2002 are viewed using the TimesMachine interface, which displays full-page newspaper images. TimesMachine articles may be viewed in the browser or downloaded as PDFs. For the years 1923-1980, patrons are limited to viewing or downloading 5 PDFs per 24-hour period.
The New York Times app is available on a wide range of devices. The app primarily provides access to current content; it does not include all the historic articles found at
2. Log in with your Rider Key.
3. Create an account. You can use your Rider Google account or another option.
4. Choose your affiliation (student, faculty, other).
5. Once the account is created, you can log in from or from the New York Times app.
2. Log in with the account you created when registering via Rider University's special link.
r provides full access to all New York Times digital content, including news, multimedia, reviews, opinions, blogs, videos, podcasts, and newsletters. You may use your account to email, share, and comment on content. includes all articles published from 1851 to the present. Many articles published between September 18, 1851 and December 31, 2002 are viewed using the TimesMachine interface, which displays full-page newspaper images. TimesMachine articles may be viewed in the browser or downloaded as PDFs. For the years 1923-1980, patrons are limited to viewing or downloading 5 PDFs per 24-hour period.
The New York Times app is available on a wide range of devices. The app primarily provides access to current content; it does not include all the historic articles found at