Sample One Search: Find articles on "discriminate gays in the workplace"
Separate your concepts into individual boxes and combine synonyms in each search box,
Search strategies:
(discriminat* OR prejudice) AND (gay* OR lesbian* OR homosexual*) AND (employ* OR work*)
Capitalize AND and OR to connect your keywords
Select the pull down to the right of the search box. Here we've chosen Subject, but you can consider other fields (i.e. Title, Abstract).
On the search results page, we can set some limits right under the search box.
Use Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals - or use Source Types to include other sources (books, ebooks, reports, magazine articles, etc).
Use All time to select dates
When reviewing you can see the Source Types, also look at the subject terms used. These can help narrow or expand your search.
You may limit to Content providers (databases)
Click on All Filters under the search box and the box to the right will show.
There, expand Content provide to limit to individual databases