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Rider University Institutional Review Board- Submitter Guide

2. Submitting the IRB Application

1. Go to

2. Click 'Submitter' to the question, 'What is your role in the IRB Process?'.

3. Click 'First Submission' if you have not submitted a previous application for this research study.

4. Continue to answer any required questions, including Project Title, Principal Investigator, and Email information.

5. For the question, 'Does the research involve the following (may make multiple selections)', click any checkboxes that are applicable.

6. If you are a student researcher, click 'Yes'.  You will be required to provide your supervising faculty member's name, email, and attest that the 'I have met and reviewed the informed consent form with my Supervising Faculty Member.' and 'I have met and reviewed the study procedures that I am proposing to use with my Supervising Faculty Member.' An email will be sent to the supervising faculty member once your application has been submitted.

7. Continue answering any required fields.

8. Upload Document 1 and Document 2 by dropping the files or clicking in the grey box to upload the file.

9.  Select the appropriate IRB reviewer for your school, college, or program.

10. Once the IRB application has been reviewed, you will receive email with the subject line 'Human Subjects Institutional Review Completed'. If major revisions are necessary, you will have to resubmit the application.  If minor revisions are necessary, please see step 3.