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CMP-120 (Toro, Fall 2021)

Individual or Specialized Databases

Except for ABI-Inform, the databases below are also included in Library One Search.

The benefit to searching them individually is that each has its own subject vocabulary to express certain concepts, as well as different categories to limit by specific to the discipline.

Also, you will have a smaller set of results, so it may be easier to figure out what it is available and how it is being described.



PsycInfo has articles pertaining to ethnic studies, but the term "ethnic studies" is not a subject term used in this psychology database. "Ethnic studies" appears in the title, but not in the subject headings. The terms boxed in red are some of the terms of what indexers use for this concept in this database: "educational programs" and "racial and ethnic socialization."


"Ethnic studies" is typed in the first search box. The first result shows the words "ethnic studies" in the title, but not in the subject. Educational programs and "racial and ethnic socialization" are boxed in red, to show these are the subject terms applied in this database for the concept of "ethnic studies"

We can see here, in the full record, that "ethnic studies" is also an author-supplied keyword.


The full record of the article is shown. "Ethnic studies" as a keyword is highlighted by a box in red, along with anti-racist education, high school graduation. The official subject terms are also boxed in red: educational programs, high school students, social justice, student engagment, racial and ethnic socialization, stereotyped attitudes. PsychInfo Classification : Curriculum & Programs & Teaching Methods is also highlighted.