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Next, find information about your topic. What types of sources will be good for your topic, books, audio, journals, magazines, websites? What search tools can help you locate them, the library library catalog, journal databases, web search engines? Depending on what you find, you might need to revise your topic or search strategy. If you are having trouble finding information on your topic, always feel free to ask a librarian.
According to the information cycle, different types of sources are generated.
Search Tips - A Tutorial
Capitalize your connectors AND/OR
1. Phrase Search-keep a phrase together so it will not get separated and lose intended meaning
"yellowstone park"
"sandy hook"
2. Truncations - to search words of various endings
comput* -computer, computers, computerize computerized, computerinzing, computational, computation
wom?n - woman or women
girl*-girl, girls, girlish
3. Boolean Operators - use AND/ OR/ NOT to connect your keywords - Boolean Machine.
Example- AND
california AND parks
"yellowstone park" AND "wild life"
Example- OR
women OR girl* OR female*
research OR survey or case stud*
Example- NOT (AND NOT)
yellowstone NOT park
clinton AND NOT hillary
4. Use parenthesis and quotation marks for logical execution of search terms
"sex* harrassment" AND ("work place" OR office)
Example of a Library One Search
1. Use Advanced search interface
2. Search by keyword and limit search in Subject or Abstract field
3. Use keywords describing one concept in each search box, connect synonyms with connector OR
4. Capitalize connectors AND /OR
5. Limit to Full text articles by checking "Online Access & in Library"
6. Limit the Publication Date range (to more recent articles)
Example of One Search:
Sample Topic: Problems with mental health in school shootings
Keywords: "mental health" AND "school shooting*"
Tutorial on How to Search Online Catalog
Sample book search: Ignorance of Islam
1. At the Advanced Search box, enter your keyword, Limit to Subject, Keyword, etc.
2. Use the book call number to find books on the shelves (stacks).
3. If there is an e-book, you can read it online or download the PDF (check out for 4 weeks).
Links to Library Catalog, One Search, CQ Researcher, Points of View Reference Center & Databases
1. Gender roles in workplace
("gender role*" OR "sex role*" OR "gender differences" OR "gender issues") AND (workplace OR "work environment") AND women AND (discrimination OR bias)
2. Marginalization of LGBTQ influencers in social media
(LGBTQ OR lesbian OR gay OR homosexual OR bisexual OR transgender OR queer) AND "social media" AND (marginaliz* OR discriminat* OR perception*)
racism AND "criminal justice system*" AND "united states"
One Search tips:
1. Use Advanced search interface
2. Limit search in Abstract or Subject field or a combination to narrow down the results with fewer items
3. Limit to Rider University Libraries Catalog to find the Library's books on the topic
4. Limit to full-text, by date range or scholarly journals
5. Capitalize the connectors AND (for words of different concepts) /OR (for synonyms) to search with keywords
Topics & Keyword suggestions: