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Biology 260 (Bio 260)


Unique Features of ProQuest SciTech

SciTech Premium Collection provides various thesauri for locating distinct topical content through controlled vocabulary. You will have a choice of the ProQuest Thesaurus, which provides a controlled vocabulary across all ProQuest databases, or other science focused thesauri, which are available in specific databases and collections. To access, click the Thesaurus link above the search fields in Advanced Search.

 Advanced Search with option to use Thesaurus

Click the link to a thesaurus to access. Once you search a term, you will have a scrollable list of results.  Those terms with a checkbox are official terms that are indexed.  Other terms point to officially indexed terms. Click a term in the list to see available narrower, broader, and related terms. Notes provide more information about a term and may show additional related terms. Select your term or terms, choose to combine them with OR, AND or NOT, and Add to Search.