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CMP-125 Ionescu, Summer 1, 2020


Next, find information about your topic.  

What types of sources will be good for your topic, books, audio, journals, magazines, websites?

What search tools can help you locate them, the library library catalog, journal databases, web search engines?

Depending on what you find, you might need to revise your topic or search strategy.

If you are having trouble finding information on your topic, always feel free to ask a librarian.


Capitalize your connectors AND/OR

1. Phrase Search-keep a phrase together so it will not get separated and lose intended meaning


"yellowstone park"

"sandy hook"

2. Truncations  - to search words of various endings


comput* -computer, computers, computerize computerized, computerinzing, computational, computation

wom?n - woman or women

girl*-girl, girls, girlish

3. Boolean Operators - use AND/ OR/ NOT to connect your keywords - Boolean Machine.

 Example- AND

california AND parks

"yellowstone park" AND "wild life"

Example- OR

women OR girl* OR female*

research OR survey or case stud*

Example- NOT (AND NOT)

yellowstone NOT park

clinton AND NOT hillary

4. Use parenthesis and quotation marks for logical execution of search terms

"sex* harrassment" AND ("work place" OR office)


Example of a Library One Search

1. Use Advanced search interface

2. Search by keyword  and limit search in Subject or Abstract field

3. Use keywords describing one concept in each search box, connect synonyms with connector OR (capitalized)

4. Limit to Online Access & In Library for full-text articles and e-books. 
5. Limit the date range (to more recent articles)

Sample One Search:

Topic:  Impact of Covid-19 on Ghana?

Search statement:  
 Ghana AND (covid-19 OR coronavirus)

Advanced Search Page of Library One Search:  

Search "impact of Covid-19 on Ghana" using One Search


One Search limit to Oline available

Result page:

1. You can download PDF file or email the article to yourself.

2. Click Permalink which will direct you to the right location.

3. Perma Link will point to the URL that always links back to thisarticle.

4. Click right hand "Cite", you will find different citation style. Some are incorrect forms. You need to correct the errors. 


Access World News

Access World News - Select More Search Options for advanced search page

Go to "More Search Options" for Advanced Search page.

Access World Search Advanced search - limit keyword search in Headline

Limit keyword search to Headline field. Use OR to connect synonyms.

Search results - 1106 articles, you can preview each articleThe  latest article is on top. You can preview each article. 


You can select source type and the names of newspapers publishing the articles.


When you click the title, the full text page has your keywords highlighted in yellow, You can click the top menu to  check the citation of the article in APA or MLA format, email, download, print and so on.